The Truly Abigail Family


100th Post!

I think the title says it all - it's Truly Abigail's 100th post! For those of you who have just recently started reading my blog, this website used to be called The Wonderful Adventures of Abby. A year later it was changed to Abby's Blog, Obviously...but that didn't last long. People weren't thrilled about the name. So, I later changed it to Truly Abigail, and it's stayed that way for a while for a while now.

A few months ago I created a craft blog, but since I'm not that artsy kind of person, I changed it to a story blog. That didn't work so well, either, because it was hard thinking up a new story idea, and copying and pasting didn't respond well. I deleted that blog, and so I'm sticking with this blog. Truly Abigail is a year and a half old, and the blog's birthday is April 12th. I'm planning on keeping this blog running for a long time.

I've done lots of editing to the site over the year (including name change, as I've already explained). I've changed my way of writing. I acted mature in some posts, some I acted like someone who people didn't know anymore. Some were funny, but most are just plain me. I've changed the way Truly Abigail looks, like the background. It's been many colors before, but just recently I made a new background found at It's where I got my top header, too, but I went to for the words and pictures.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog, or else this website would have been made for nothing! I hope you're ready for some outrageous posts in the near future, because that's the new theme for 2010. This year was polls, but when 2009 is over, polls are rarely ever coming out again on Truly Abigail. I hope you enjoyed the polls, too.

Peace out, homie dawg, and celebrate Truly Abigail's 100th post!


Maddie said...

Hey Abby. So you like the Blog's Day one better?

The Mangum Family said...

Yep, because it doesn't cover the titles of your posts! :]

♥ Abigail ♥