The Truly Abigail Family


Travel Team

I was reading a book today that I found in the school library yesterday called Travel Team. It was written by a reporter of Sports Illustrated. I'm halfway through Chapter 3, and the chapters are pretty long. It's about a boy who loves basketball with all his heart. The only problem is he's been the smallest kid ever since first grade. Now that he's twelve and is watching the other boys enter challenging spots on basketball teams because of their reasonable height, Danny Walker decides to let his light shine. He's been a shadow his whole life, and this is his moment to become a great basketball player, no matter how short he is. He wants to follow his dad's footsteps. His dad was an amazing basketball player, and he was just as short as he was as a kid. He moved on up to the majors. Soon he was leading his team to winning championships and great feats. I love it so far, and I can't wait to read more. GO BASKETBALL!
I hope you're all enjoying Thanksgiving month, and I hope that when it comes, your Thanksgiving Day will be great! We're doing the same tradition: going to Utah for a big feast at my grandma's on the night before Thanksgiving, going to Nani's for a feast on the big day, Christmas and birthday shopping, Parker's birthday on the 27th, then going home soon after that. Then we'll prepare for my birthday "party" which will be on the 3rd, and then we'll drive to Utah on my birthday, the 4th. We'll go back to Utah for Parker's wedding on the 5th. It'll be great, great, great! Enjoy November and all it has to offer!


Anonymous said...


maddie said...

Abby, I am nervous for monday....
the tournament list!

The Mangum Family said...

Don't worry, you'll make it. Only four people are going off the roster, and I'm positive you're not one of them. You've played on Team A with me a lot, and that will probably guarantee you a spot in the tournament! :]