The Truly Abigail Family


Air Max

Those are my brand new, spankin' hot (what?) basketball shoes. They are probably one of the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever worn in my years of playing basketball. My former basketball shoes, which were pink because they supported breast cancer, gave me major blood blisters in my big toe and I'll tell you they were not pretty. At a point I couldn't run around barefoot; I was too embarrassed to show my toes, even though I don't care what others think. They were just that hideous to look at.

My performance when playing is so much better with these babies than the old ones. My favorite part is that they squeak when you run down the court, which makes you sound so professional. It shows that they're real basketball shoes, not fakes, which is what my pinkies were. 

I've been playing summer ball on two teams. One is a team that is my age, and the other is a sixth grade team. The 5th grade one is good. Although most of the players don't have much experience, the ones that do have experience make the game much more interesting. I would say that I'm an experienced player, but that's just me. I don't know what others think about me. Anyhow, our record so far is 2-1. We've won two and lost one to a very talented team. I think we're a pretty good team. However, the sixth grade team isn't all that amazing. We've lost the two games we've already played. Hopefully we'll beat the next team. Wish us luck!

Hopefully I can get a few videos of me playing (or ballin' the court, as my siblings say) in another post. Stay tuned.

♥ Abigail ♥

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