The Truly Abigail Family


Waka Waka

Being the child in the family that is usually on her computer while everyone else watches TV, it's surprising to see that I actually tune in on the World Cup. I like watching the players fake the goalkeeper out and kick in a perfect goal. It's amazing that there's actually talent like that in this world. 

I'm not a huge soccer player; I played for three years, and then I got started with basketball. My parents also didn't want to pay all that cash for club soccer, which is another reason I quit in second grade, the year before I'd have to play club. Today you can keep playing a basic league after third grade, but back then things were different.

The games are so unpredictable. You have no idea what they're going to do, so you're anxious as the players kick the ball down the huge field. The horns blowing in the stands, the cheering, the anxiety in the air is all so exciting to me. It's incredible how a game can be so nerve racking. 

Secretly I support Argentina, but of course I have to cheer on the USA. I mean, I'm a citizen of the United States. Wouldn't it be a little disrespectful to discourage the team's territory I live on? (If that made any sense.)

I especially enjoyed the song Shakira sang at the opening performance: Waka Waka, which obviously explains the title above. It has good lyrics that shows South Africa's culture. I am a picky music listener, and this song is definitely a plus on my list.

On another note, go Celtics!

♥ Abigail ♥

P.S. If you ever try the Template Designer, think before you apply it to your blog! It's almost impossible to remove the template. If you are having problems removing your template, let me know in a comment and I will give you specific instructions on how to get rid of those dumb templates! 


madison said...

Yeah! We should go to Roaring Springs!!
That'd be fun!
Miss you too!

Lexi said...

I wish I would have read your little PS thing at the end. I had one stuck on mine and couldn't figure out how to get it off. Eventually I did. But, they suck. haha