The Truly Abigail Family


The End Where I Begin

Summer is almost here, and I am literally falling out of my seat every moment of the day. I am anxious to see what this vacation holds, to hear the school bell calling out summer at 3:40 on June 8th, to feel the cool water below me in the swimming pool, to taste the popsicles and the ice cold lemonade. It's about time we get a break from schoolwork.

Every time I take a look at the old-fashioned clock in the brick-walled classroom, I see middle school coming closer and closer. I see progress. I see maturity building up. I am ecstatic to walk into the 6th grade hallway early in the morning and see lockers lined up on the walls. To me, it feels like my life has been renewed. Come, middle school, come.

While I love elementary school and will miss it so, I am ready for a change. I am ready to step up into a whole new world of teenage life. People remark that middle school is a challenge and that it won't be exciting; I don't let it get to me, for elementary school isn't all that exciting, either. But sometimes I don't want to grow up. Sometimes I want to stay in elementary school where you can sleep in until 8 AM and not have such hard subjects. Yes, elementary school was pretty nice. I'll miss it.

Good-bye, elementary school. Hello, middle school.

♥ Abigail ♥

1 comment:

Lexi said...

Middle school is anything but boring - it was the hardest three years of my life. I hope for your sake you don't get sick and miss two months like I did, but everyone is very dramatic and at first it's a little overwhelming.

But it's so much better than elementary school. More freedom. The only thing I miss are the teachers. Even though you have more teachers, it was just easier to bond with them.

It'll be fun. :)