The Truly Abigail Family


Green Thumb

To me, life just isn't the same without green. Green is the color that shows plants are blooming. Green is the color that can really make a home feel like home. Green can cheer you up. Green can even be a sign of good luck. But most importantly, green is the sign of St. Patty's Day.

Legend says that in the early years of the earth, a man named Patrick was a saint. They say he threw out all the snakes that slithered around Ireland. They also say that he was Christian, and since many of the people of Ireland had no religious belief, Saint Patrick taught Christianity to them.

I cannot live without green because - maybe you don't exactly notice it, but - I'm an environmentally friendly person. I recycle the things that should be recycled, I help my mother with the garden, (we're going to have to start all over with this new house) I care about the animals in the wild, and I also don't pollute and just throw things on the ground. Many of you who know me probably don't see it in me, but it's true.

So, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you. :)


Ashley said...

I can see it in you quite well, actually. :) You have a fun sense of well, just plain fun. You have a BEAUTIFUL garden, (and probably will at your next house too)have an environmentally green car. Need I say more? Anyways, happy St. Patty's Day! ♣♣♣ Ashley ♣♣♣

ruangusaha said...
