The Truly Abigail Family


Whatever Tickles Your Fancy #5

Day 30

Shoes are incredible.

I have had many pairs throughout my life.

I love Converse, Airwalk, and...


While I only have three pairs, they treat me well.

It's as if I have hundreds of them all in one.

Vans are comfortable.

Vans fall apart long after you first purchase them.

Vans make you run faster (at least for me).

Vans comes in several shapes, sizes, designs, and colors.

And I love them just as much as Converse.

Thanks for sacrificing a few minutes of your valuable time every day to read all thirty days of my blog.

It was a blast.

Maybe you can do this on your blog, too.

Rock on, people,

♥ Abigail ♥

1 comment:

puggypoo said...

ABBY!!! Today we had our ochun (oc-chun) or how ever you spell that. Anyway me and Emily were in charge if your money :O!! Should I tell you what we got you?? Well Mrs. Kaufman is gonna send it to you :D! I hope you like what we got. I know you'll like one of them :P!