The Truly Abigail Family


What Kind of Person?

Yo, I'm sorry if I have not acted like myself these last few posts. I kept thinking about random subjects instead of what has happened in my "small" life, as my mom puts it. So, after trying to write a post for the third time, I now have a poll.

Question: What kind of person do you want to be when you're older?

Type in SW for smart and wise.

Type in UF for unforgettable.

Type in MBL for memory look-backer.

Type in F for famous.

Type in O for other and say what that other person is.

Everyone is wonderful, and we all have a part: make the world better. Here are Super Abby's top three suggestions on what we can do to change the world.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Save energy by Turning off the TV When Done
3. Be Kind to Everyone You Know

You'll be known as a GREAT citizen if you follow these suggestions. Everyone can make a difference. HOORAY!


Meredith said...

SW. Smart and wise would be helpful in all aspects of life.


KNG. Kind and not grouchy. I don't want to be one of those old people who are known for being stubborn and grouchy! :)

And though you (or mom) coined your life as, "simple," as your usual day consists of breakfast, school, wakling dogs, dinner, homework and sleep... it is what you do inbetween and DURING those 'simple' events that make it extraordinary!

"Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living"

Madison Kate said...

Hey Abby!
I put up a new post today and just read this one one your blog.
I agree with Maredith SW for smart and wise
And O for other.
I wasnt to be nice and carefull.
( LOl I always fall in the summer maybe i'll be more carefull )
And also KNG like Meredith.
But if you put it all together it's be....
Maybe I can say like SWN and CKNG!