The Truly Abigail Family


The Blog's Buzz

The Buzz of the Blog: Today's the blog's birthday. The first anniversary of the blog, The Wonderful Adventures of Abby. Today is the celebration. I'm surprised my blog's birthday is on Easter Sunday. I'm going to post a 5-question quiz.

Quiz Name: Birthdays

#1. If you were invited to a birthday, and your parents were going to Hawaii and wanted to bring you along, what would you do? Go with your parents? Go to the party?

#2. If you were in charge of the party decorations, but you were so busy and couldn't get to decorating on the night of the party, and almost all the people were there when you arrived, what would you do? Decorate in front of everyone? Be humiliated by your friends? Leave the party sobbing?

#3. Your best friend invites you to a party that EVERYONE is going to, but you have Book Club with your Reading Buddies. What would you do? Skip Book Club and go to the party? Ditch your best friend and go to Book Club?

#4. You're planning on sleeping over at your best friend's house on Friday night, but a bossy student demands you to go to her party, which is on the same night. What would you do? Go to the bossy girl's party that people who call themselves "cool" are going to? Spend the night with your best friend?

#5. The big basketball game is on Saturday night, but your friends have no interest in basketball and are inviting you to a sleepover the same night. What would you do? Stay home and watch the game with your family? Go to the sleepover?

Celebrate the joy of Easter and the first anniversary of The Blog. There will be a new Blog Buzz each week on this blog. Happy Easter, everyone!

1 comment:

Madison Kate said...

Hey Abby! Happy Easter!

#1.Go to the party, That person is only going to have that party when they are turning that old once. You can go to Hawii the next week.

#2. Decorate, If I decorated, then the party would be a little more fun. But I would be a little humiliated.

#3.I would go to the book club. Reading is fun, and If you went to the party,you would not get as much atention from your friend.
#4.Spend the night with your friend. Bossy is not fun to be around.
#5. I have a little interest in Basketball so, I would go to my friend's house but call my family every once in a while to see who is winning.