The Truly Abigail Family


My Eyes Feast Upon...

The warm weather, the birds chirping louder than ever before, the green grass, the flowers blooming, and, best of all, the sign of Spring Break. A break from school is just what I need.

I write in my journal, doodling and writing about spring. Just last night, I drew a picture of a smiling sun, a lake, a tree, and lots of flowers. I also write about how I'm going to visit my sister, my brother, and my grandparents in Utah in only five days (now it's only three days). I can't wait to snuggle with my sister. I can't wait to hug the grandmother I'm almost as tall as. I can't wait to eat the Goldfish that Grandma buys for us. I can't wait to talk to my step-grandpa, also known as Grandpa Floyd. I can't wait to jump up on Parker and hug him tightly. I can't wait to hug EVERYONE who I haven't seen since Thanksgiving (I saw Meredith about a month ago, though).

I will miss Cooper, though. His cute brown eyes and shiny black fur are so adorable. His royal blue collar jingling around letting us know he's near. His Timberline spirit spread throughout the house (his black fur, his blue collar, and the white stripe going down his chest). He makes me happy, although I sometimes have to punish him for the naughty stuff he does while we're gone. He's still my little boy. My cute, little boy. My eyes feast upon his.

Now, it's time for a poll.

Question: What's your favorite thing about Spring Break?

a. The blooming of life
b. A week-long break
c. Doing whatever your heart desires


Madison Kate said...

I like everything about spring break!
But I have a tie between A and B.
I like C though

Meredith said...

A. The blooming of new life is a wonderful rejuvenating piece of our existence.

(Plus, I don't get a week off of all responsibilities and duties anymore!!! No fair!!!)

Parker said...


I'd have to say that "doing whatever my heart desires" sounds pretty good, but alas, BYU doesn't have a Spring Break! Can you believe that!

I'm excited to see you in a few days. You can hug me as tightly as possible; you're a strong girl, and perhaps taller than Meegan now!

Love you sweet girl...