The Truly Abigail Family


Your Month in Great Detail

Day 27

May is the month for the flowers blooming, the air fresh, the temperatures and the humidity rising. Oh, how I love spring. Although the weather can surprise you this time of year, whether it's rainy or sunny, May is a great time to go outside. Oh, how I love spring. Mother's Day is in bloom, and the children thoughtfully give their mothers presents. Even if the gift is made of paper or of gold, a mother appreciates the effort and the thoughtfulness of their children. Oh, how I love spring. Kids nearing the end of the school year, their heads dreaming of summer vacation. For me, I am totally ready for the year to end, because next year I get to enter MIDDLE SCHOOL! Oh, how I love spring.

My months are filled with unpredictable events. Who knew I would be grounded for the second time in my life this month? Who knew today would be windy? Who knew my dear sister was going to stay for Memorial Day weekend? Who knew Roaring Springs Water Park would open earlier than expected? Our lives are just plain random.

I've loved May 2010, but it's time for June to replace you. See you later, school, spring, storms, and say hello to sleeping in, sun, swimming, and summer! (Notice how all those nouns were s's. Hehe.)

Let's celebrate the almost-ending of the 30 Days of Blogging! Only three more days to go! :( and :)

♥ Abigail ♥

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Abigail Alice Mangum! What on Earth did you to get grounded THIS time!?